The future of the European Youth Orchestra (EUYO) has been secured. It is currently based in the UK and it depends on annual financial requests. However, a decision has...
President #Touadera of the Central African Republic, has our full support in his political strategy to strengthen peace, security and development in #CAR , and in his...
Thanks to the work of our Group, the social agenda is now at the core of the EU's political priorities, but actions speak louder than words! We were in Gothenburg with...
Il gruppo S&D esprime apprezzamento per l’accordo raggiunto ieri tra il Parlamento, la Commissione e il Consiglio sulle nuove regole che mirano a evitare il geo-blocking...
Le città portuali sono fondamentali nella ricerca di soluzioni innovative per ottenere un modello economico più umano. Ecco perché i Socialisti e Democratici al...
The European Parliament’s committees for the internal market and legal affairs today backed proposals to update laws covering contracts for the supply of digital content...
S&D Film Screening: Sands of Silence 21.11.2017 @ 19H in EP A3E-2
I Socialisti e Democratici al Parlamento europeo chiedono un’azione più decisa e misure vincolanti per ridurre una volta per tutte il gap salariale di generale. In merito...
That’s a wrap! Here’s an overview of our week in Strasbourg working for your #SocialRights , the rule of law in #Poland , protection of European #workers and industries,...
Quote of the week: “Luxleaks, Panama Papers and now the Paradise Papers; there is really nothing to be surprised about or new to discover. It's the same old cancer on our...