We need no-fly zone and sanctions now to stop Syria deaths, warns Labour MEP

Ahead of this weekend´s Syria summit between Russian, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in Switzerland, Labour MEP Afzal Khan has reiterated calls for a no-fly zone and sanctions to end the bloodshed in Syria.

Mr Khan, a member of the European Parliament foreign affairs committee, said:

“The situation in Syria is the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe since World War II. We must now establish a no-fly zone to defend Syrian civilians.

“Yes, Daesh in Syria is plotting against our security in Europe, but Daesh is only the secondary cancer - Assad’s forces are the primary cancer. They are responsible for 500,000 civilian deaths.

“Assad has largely refrained from attacking Daesh-controlled territory, and also cooperates with Daesh in order to weaken the moderate opposition.

“The slaughter in Aleppo is a 21st-century genocide. We cannot and must not sit back and watch as Russia and the Syrian regime commit war crimes with impunity.

“Russia is responsible for thousands of deaths since its direct intervention in Syria. The cessation of hostilities from a few weeks ago has now collapsed, as Assad and Russia have launched their renewed onslaught on Aleppo.

“Iran is also guilty - on the one hand, it seeks external investment to support its sanctions-hit economy; on the other, Iran is projecting power with harmful consequences for the region, propping up Assad.”

On the absence of the EU at the talks, Mr Khan added:

“I am ashamed that the EU Council cannot agree on a common EU way forward. Europeans want sanctions against the Assad regime, Russia and Iran. Now.

“The consequences of prolonged inaction don't bear thinking about.”