S&D Group workshop: Worker's rights and fair mobility -The role of the European Labour Authority

S&D Group workshop: Worker's rights and fair mobility -The role of the European Labour Authority.

Speakers include:

» Agnes Jongerius, MEP - S&D EMPL Coordinator
» Georgi Pirinski, S&D MEP, Shadow Rapporteur of EMPL report European Labour Authority
» Dana Schäfer, Head of European Department, SOKA-BAU (tbc)
» Erika Mezger, Deputy Director, Eurofound
» Denis Genton, Head of Unit `Free Movement of Workers, EURES`, European Commission
» Prof. Colin C. Williams, Sheffield University Management School (SUMS)
» Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary
» Mag. Walter Gagawczuk, Chamber of Labour Vienna

For more information, please email: s-d.empl@ep.europa.eu