Common provisions on European funds

The common provisions regulation (CPR) is a horizontal regulation covering all the European structural and investment funds. The CPR negotiations included numerous crucial issues on which the European Parliament and the S&D Group expressed their determination to regulate more efficiently and effectively.

This regulation encompasses a whole raft of major issues, including a new partnership principle with an enhanced role for local and regional authorities; a European code of conduct; a clear structure for partnership agreements; the possibility for multi-fund/multi-region operational programmes; a reduction of administrative burdens; a common strategic framework establishing an integrated approach; a guide for beneficiaries; increased responsibilities for sound use of funding by  member states; more targeted technical assistance; an agreement on the effective role of innovative financial instruments that can be objectively assessed; a results-oriented use of funds to ensure that investments are effective and have an added value; a regulatory provision for payments to beneficiaries, monitoring procedures and implementation reports; and the promotion of social inclusion and youth employment measures.