S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 25 to 28 November 2019

European Parliament Strasbourg

S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 25 to 28 November 2019

Wednesday 27 November

Election of the Commission

"Beyond the weight of our nine Commissioners, the S&D Group managed to have a real influence over the new European Commission’s programme. We can say that it clearly carries our mark. Our main flagship initiatives and priorities will not only be included in the Commission work programme, but we have secured that they will be under the portfolios of the S&D Commissioners. Next Tuesday in Strasbourg, our group will announce our final decision on the vote on the whole Commission, in the presence of all S&D Commissioners-designate."

Iratxe García Pérez, president of the S&D Group

S&D Press officer: Victoria Martin de la Torre


Tuesday 26 November

Preparation of the European Council meeting of 12 and 13 December 2019

“In the next European Council meeting, European leaders will be discussing a top priority for the S&Ds: the climate crisis. We will continue to put pressure on member states and the new Commission to take the lead together and propose concrete actions to reverse global warming.

The crucial issue of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021 - 2027 is also on the agenda. The S&D Group is clear that the EU budget should reflect the current needs and requests of EU citizens - such as commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, and a strong social Just Transition Fund so that nobody is left behind.”

Iratxe García Pérez, president of the S&D Group

S&D Press officer: Victoria Martin de la Torre


Monday 25 November

2019 UN Climate Change Conference (COP25)

“The next COP25 will mark a decisive turning point in the fight against climate change. Next week, the S&Ds are requesting the European Parliament to declare a climate emergency. The EU must act together and lead by example in international climate negotiations through concrete actions and measures.”

Miriam Dalli, S&D vice-president for a Green New Deal

S&D Press officer: Jan Bernas


Monday 25 November

EU accession to the Istanbul Convention and other measures to combat gender-based violence

With the International Day Against Violence Against Women on Monday, the Socialists and Democrats insisted on having this topic high on the agenda in Strasbourg. The statistics are terrifying: One in three women in Europe has been a victim of physical and/or sexual violence while only 11% of these incidents have been reported. This needs to stop now! Women need to be sure that their complaints are treated fairly and that perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Furthermore we need to prevent this violence by sending the clear message of a zero-tolerance policy. We are calling on all member states and the European Union as a whole to accede to the most comprehensive legal instrument on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence: the Istanbul Convention. In addition, the EU must adopt a European Strategy to prevent and fight violence against women and recognise violence against women and girls as a crime under the treaties in order to have the legal basis to draft a European legislative proposal. Women need to be protected equally across the EU!

Maria Noichl, S&D coordinator in the committee on women's rights and gender equality

S&D Press officer: Inga Czerny-Grimm


Wednesday 27 November

2020 budgetary procedure

“After three weeks of negotiations, an agreement was finally reached last Monday night on the crucial topic of the EU 2020 budget. The result marks an important victory for the European Parliament, but also for our Group.

Achieving an increased budget for climate action and youth employment was no easy task, given the Council's initial proposal. But we stood firm and ended up having the backup of main political groups in the process.

However, topping the Council's proposal by €1.9 billion is just a first victory. The fight is not over yet. Our Group will be even more ambitious when it comes to the next budget and the need for additional resources to face environmental and social challenges.

Pierre Larrouturou, S&D rapporteur on the 2020 budgetary procedure
Eider Gardiázabal, S&D spokeswoman on budget

S&D Press officer: Dana Chiru


Wednesday 27 November

Interference from other countries in our democracies and elections

Widespread interference continues to be a major issue in many of our member states and the measures that have been introduced are insufficient to counter the assault on our democracy. Next week in plenary we will be pushing for action to protect our elections.

Many of our member state governments are failing to act, and in the case of the UK, the government is even covering up the truth from the public by refusing to release the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report on the Russian threat to UK politics. Last month, at the initiative of the S&D Group, the EP adopted a resolution in which we called for tougher action at a European level to defend our elections against foreign interference and manipulation. We will continue this fight!

Claude Moraes, S&D vice-president for resilient democracies and fundamental rights

S&D Press officer: Ewan Macphee

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