The EU needs to do more to encourage young Muslims and other minority groups to engage with European politics and work in the EU institutions. That was one of the many...
The EU needs to do more to encourage young Muslims and other minority groups to engage with European politics and work in the EU institutions. That was one of the many...
The EU needs to do more to encourage young Muslims and other minority groups to engage with European politics and work in the EU institutions. That was one of the many...
Norbert Neuser, koordynator Grupy S&D w Komisji Rozwoju, przewodniczył w tym tygodniu misji rozpoznawczej w Libanie na temat dostępu do edukacji syryjskich uchodźców...
Norbert Neuser, coordinatore S&D in commissione Sviluppo, ha guidato questa settimana una missione in Libano per verificare lo stato dell’arte dell’accesso all’istruzione...
Norbert Neuser, eurodéputé et coordinateur S&D au comité d'aide au développement, a dirigé cette semaine une mission partie au Liban pour établir des faits au sujet de l...
Norbert Neuser, coordinador del Grupo S&D en la comisión de Desarrollo, ha liderado esta semana una misión de investigación en el Líbano sobre el acceso a la educación de...
Norbert Neuser, S&D coordinator for the committee on development, led a fact-finding mission to Lebanon this week on the access to education for Syrian refugees. Lebanon...
Norbert Neuser, Koordinator der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion für den Entwicklungsausschuss, leitete diese Woche eine Erkundungsmission im Libanon über den Zugang zur...
Africa is at the heart of our globalised world. Although it is a continent often seen through the lens of global problems, it is also at the forefront in creating new...