S&D Seminar - Israel / Palestine: Bereaved Parents for Peace - From Loss to Reconciliation

S&D Seminar - Israel / Palestine: Bereaved Parents for Peace - From Loss to Reconciliation.

Please register here for a single, or both, events.

1. Photo exhibitions : Presence of the Void .

Photo exhibition opening: Presence of the Void - 14.06.2016 18:00 - venue: ASP 5G2/3 balcony exhibition area, 5th floor, European Parliament.

2. S&D Group public Seminar : Bereaved Parents For Peace 

Public seminar: Israel-Palestine/Bereaved Parents For Peace/From Loss to Reconciliation - 15.06.2016 16:00-18:00 - venue: room ASP 5G2, European Parliament.

Registration deadline: Wednesday 8 June 2016 by 12h00.

For more information, please contact s-d.middleeastpeace@europarl.europa.eu.