S&D Outreach Event: ¡Adelante! Our social Europe that works for all

S&D Outreach Event: Adelante!

S&D Outreach Event: ¡Adelante! Our social Europe that works for all 

Sala Equis, Calle Duque de Alba 4, Madrid

27 September 2023 

19:00   Doors opening and welcome coffee

19:30   Welcome speech

  • Javier Moreno Sánchez, S&D MEP, Head of the Spanish delegation

19:45   Panel I - For a feminist and inclusive society

  • Mayte Galán, Director of EMMA (Women’s Space Madrid) of the José Maria de Llanos Foundation
  • Andrea Fernández, PSOE Secretary for Equality and PES Women Bureau Member

20.15   Keynote speech

  • Giacomo Filibeck, PES Executive Secretary General

20:25   Panel II - Our fight for social justice

  • José Luis Escrivà, Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations
  • Esther Lynch, ETUC General Secretary

21.00   Conclusions

  • Iratxe García Pérez, President of the S&D Group

21:10   Reception

Live streaming in EN, ES at http://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu  and on Facebook

Disclaimer - Only Spanish ORI is the official transcript - EN is not the official transcript

Eurodiputados que participan
Jefe de delegación
Contacto(s) de prensa del Grupo S&D