S&D Juri Workshop Civil Liability Regime for Artificial Intelligence

S&D Juri Workshop Civil Liability Regime for Artificial Intelligence

In the chair: Tiemo Wölken, S&D coordinator of the committee on legal affairs

Opening remarks by Ismail Ertug, vice-president of the S&D Group, responsible for transformation, innovation and a strong digital Europe

> Dr. Dirk Staudenmayer, Head of Unit for Contract Law, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission

> Isabelle Schömann, Confederal Secretary Representative of ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation

> Florian Stößel, Policy Advisor in the Legal Affairs and Trade Unit, Federation of German Consumer Organisations

> Prof. Dr. Nathalie Devillier, Research Professor of Digital Law at Grenoble Ecole de Management, Member of the European Commission Expert Group on Liability for New Technologies

> Sophie Compagnon, senior Public Affairs Manager at Criteo, representative of European Tech Alliance

Q&A session

Closing remarks by Tiemo Wölken, the S&D coordinator of the committee on legal affairs

Please register here by 12:00 on 31 January

Interpretation will be provided in EN, FR, DE, IT, ES

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