Online gambling in the internal market

This report is the European Parliament’s response to the Commission's paper 'Towards a comprehensive European framework for online gambling', which outlines an action plan, including a set of actions and principles the Commission will propose or implement in the coming months and years. The report is also a follow-up to the Parliament's 2011 'Online gambling in the internal market' report.

The rapporteur’s initial, problematic, proposal was clearly aiming for the liberalisation and harmonisation of the EU online gaming sector. But the amended report from the internal market and consumer protection committee now proposes a balanced approach to the future of the online gambling sector. It makes clear that gambling is not a normal economic activity, so due regard must be given to the principle of subsidiary. Moreover, consumer protection and public health, along with combating crime and tax evasion, are vital in the sector. Importantly, the report also points out that while member states have the right to regulate their own gambling sector, this must be in compliance with EU law. It also highlights the need for more research and administrative co-operation and the need to preserve the integrity of sports.