S&D webinar - Augmented Exploitation: AI, Automation & Mental Health at Work, 13 October 2021

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The emergence of new technologies have significant consequences on the nature and organisation of work. The rise of recent business models and work environments due to ICT-enabled technologies, represent obstacles and affect the working conditions and workers’ health and safety, including mental health.

This webinar will explore the challenges of digitalisation, by focussing on how algorithms and automation are used as instruments to “augment” control in the labour process, causing an increase of psychosocial risks at work while triggering precarious working conditions.

Policy-makers and high-level experts will also present best practices and policy-driven solutions to tackle exploitation and safeguard mental health in the world of work. 

See the programme below for the full list of speakers.

Interpretation available in EN, FR, DE, IT and ES.

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