S&D AIDA Webinar - AI and Gender Equality - 30 March 2022

Man and woman in profile

“Democratisation of AI”

We want a democratic AI in Europe which will be humanistic: ‘human-centric’ and ‘human-led’, oriented to serve citizens and society as a whole.

The democratic AI in Europe must respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights, ethical principles, legal safeguards, liability and human oversight.

The democratic AI in Europe must be based on principles of non-discrimination, protection of privacy and personal data, transparency, trustworthiness, safety, accessibility and accountability.
The democratic AI in Europe shall be socially fair and environmentally sustainable and it must contribute to further advancing the European values of freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity and international cooperation.
In the series of four S&D AIDA webinars, we want to discuss and analyse various specific aspects of future development and deployment of AI in Europe, in order to democratise its use, availability and service to the citizens. We would explore ways how democratisation of AI can empower citizens and businesses to overcome the digital divide and make AI a tool to advancement of freedom, democracy, equality and prosperity.

“AI and gender equality”

Women are under-represented at all levels in the digital sector in Europe. The gap is largest in ICT specialist skills and employment. Closing the gender gap and ensuring that all women can access digital literacy and exercise their digital rights is of paramount importance, if we do not want to leave women behind in the new digital revolution. The evolution of the digital sector must go hand-in-hand with other aspects such as education, fair working conditions, work-life balance, democracy, good governance and strong public services. We need real equality and fair jobs, not just employability.

AI has the potential to shape gender relations. Measures must be taken to promote equal participation of all genders in the design, implementation, evaluation and debate on ethics and norms of AI-powered technologies. Gender-aware coding and AI that does not reproduce stereotypes and inequalities are essential to avoid sexism and discrimination by biased data-sets, models and algorithms in AI. Sexist hate speech, misogyny and online violence against women, homophobia and transphobia are on the rise. All forms of gender-based violence in the public and private spheres must be stopped.

Draft programme:

Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ MEP, President of the S&D Group - opening remarks
Ibán GARCÍA DEL BLANCO MEP, S&D Coordinator in the AIDA special committee - moderation
Maria-Manuel LEITÃO-MARQUES MEP - closing remarks

Guest speakers:

Ms. Carlien Scheele, Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality
Ms. Sofia Teixeira, Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, and Secretary-General of the Women in Network Science Society
Ms. Sara Mateos, Equality adviser of the Socialist group in the Spanish parliament
Ms. Ivana Bartoletti, Women Leading in AI

Beteiligte Abgeordnete