Conference: Clean Conscience?

When conscientious objection clashes with women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and LGBTI rights.

Freedom of conscience is a fundamental right which should be protected and promoted. On sensitive issues, national legislations often provide the ability for people to opt out from performing acts they morally oppose – including performing abortion or euthanasia.

However, over the past few years anti-choice activists, several churches, public officials and professionals in various areas have increasingly expanded the use of conscience clauses to deny women's and LGBTI rights, on the grounds of freedom of conscience.

The consequences of allowing unregulated appeal to conscience are ethically and substantially harmful. In countries like Italy or Spain for instance, it has led to dramatic situations for women seeking a legal abortion. In others, it has further discriminated LGBTI people. It is necessary to ensure that a balance between people’s rights is guaranteed.

#All of Us invites you to discuss this issue on 28 September from 13:00 to 15:00. The conference will take place in English.

A sandwich lunch and coffee will be provided prior to the start of the meeting.

For external guests, please register here:

Please register by Monday 26 September 2016 at 12h00

The programme is attached below