Decarbonising our economy will not suffice to save our planet. We need to talk about the elephant in the room: food sustainability. This means promoting a more...
"We have the answers. What we need is action!" | #COP25Madrid Radical action NOW! @johandanielsson calls for a sustainable revolution in how our transportation sector...
A future for Europe's fisheries that is sustainable – Socially, environmentally and economically. The #ClimateEmergency requires action from all sectors says...
Quote of the week by Iratxe García Peréz, S&D president: "The new European Commission is already in place, and new important legislation such as the European Green Deal...
Negli ultimi due giorni, sette membri del Parlamento europeo si sono recati a Malta in missione esplorativa per valutare i progressi dell’inchiesta sulla morte della...
In vista del Congresso dell’SPD a Berlino di venerdì, domani la presidente del Gruppo S&D Iratxe García Pérez e altri europarlamentari S&D, parteciperanno alla...
La commissione economica del Parlamento europeo questo pomeriggio ha votato a favore della relazione Tinagli in materia di “tassazione digitale e riforme in corso nel G20...
The new Commission: S&Ds team The Socialists and Democrats voted in favour of the new European Commission, after five months of intense negotiations with the Commission...
We stand against homophobia! Every day in Poland, France and everywhere around the world we stand against hate speech and homophobia, as we did this week in the...