Presentation and Election of the new European Commission

The two most challenging political priorities for the next Commission are to change the direction of Europe and to finally take action to boost growth, encourage development and create new jobs.

We can proudly say we have contributed to shaping a new and different Commission which is much closer to our values. We want to bring an innovative vision of the economic and social development of Europe and also to get co-operation on all policies linked to sustainable development and the planned investment programmes.

The capacity of public investments for leveraging private funds must be a priority.

We need to bring the European Union closer to citizens, reduce bureaucracy and give a new dynamism to the institutions.

The new European Commission must work in close co-operation with the European Parliament and in the spirit of the community method, in order to give to the EU greater political impact and more visibility on EU foreign policy.

We need a new European Commission who are on the front line in all humanitarian crises, and who can guide an EU-led international response to situations like the Ebola epidemic or the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

We must ensure that European immigration and asylum policy will be based on true European solidarity in terms of real action and strength to manage the reception of refugees and immigrants. We expect the new Commission to uphold asylum-seekers' rights and promote safe and lawful access to the EU's asylum systems.

We expect the new Commission to work hard on the European neighbourhood policy and enlargement, promoting the values of the EU. The enlargement process reinforces the EU's efforts towards achieving prosperity, stability, peace and democracy. In particular, we emphasise the social dimension of both enlargement and neighbourhood policy, and we expect the new Commission to take that seriously.

Data protection and safeguarding EU laws from arbitrary dispute settlement mechanisms in trade agreements with third parties are at the heart of our concerns.

We call for more European action and co-operation in the field of research, science and innovation. It will be crucial to mobilise innovative financial instruments to fund projects which could create long-term sustainable growth and thousands of jobs in Europe.

We ask the European Commission to make sure that health and food safety will both protect and enhance equal access to healthcare, and safeguard food safety.

We need stronger guarantees with regard to net neutrality and we need more clarity about the Commission’s position and plans for action.