Reinstatement of Myanmar/Burma's access to generalized tariff preferences

Under the EU Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) the EU grants non-reciprocal trade preferences to developing countries. This means that exporters from these countries pay lower duties on some or all of what they sell to the EU, giving them vital access to EU markets and contributing to the growth of their economies.

The GSP regulation states that these preferential arrangements may be withdrawn temporarily given the serious and systematic violation of principles laid down in international conventions. These conventions cover core labour rights, such as ILO Convention 29 on forced labour. Myanmar/Burma's access to the GSP tariff preferences was temporarily withdrawn in 1997 primarily due to routine and widespread practice of forced labour.

Since 2011, Myanmar/Burma has undertaken serious efforts towards openness and reform, which has resulted in the Council lifting sanctions and, in this proposal, reinstating the country's access to GSP, based on ILO conclusions. Our group can therefore support this proposal.