S&Ds: The world industry needs chips and we want them “Made in the EU”

semiconductors EU Chips Act

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament push for the European Union to develop our own capacity for the production of semiconductors, also known as chips, to keep our industry running and jobs in Europe. They led a majority in the European Parliament’s committee on industry, research and energy today that improved the legislative proposal made earlier by the European Commission on the measures for strengthening the semiconductor ecosystem, also known as the EU Chips Act.

Dan Nica, S&D MEP and EP negotiator on the EU Chips Act, said:

“If we are serious about European industrial autonomy and we really want to keep our hi-tech industry from moving to other places on the globe, and further increase the number of high-quality jobs in the EU, then we have to start producing our own semiconductors and stop being so dependent on their import.

“Our group welcomes the European Commission’s proposal as this is a step in the right direction. However, there is a room for improvement and we, the Socialists and Democrats filled it with our ideas in the interests of our industry and citizens. We ask for fresh money in the EU budget to finance the realisation of our strategy to produce chips in Europe. This means the member states, the European Parliament and the European Commission have to take the strategy into account at the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework - the EU pluriannual budget until 2027.

“We ask also for the training of a skilled workforce and thus ensure high-quality jobs in the semiconductor sector. In times of global uncertainty, this would be crucial for the EU’s economic growth. Turning research and development into production also involves small and medium enterprises.  In order to achieve this, we call for less bureaucracy in the process of granting them permissions to operate.”

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