Futuro dell'Europa

#Progressives4Europe talk sul Futuro dell'Europa - Brando Benefei e Elisa Gambardella

Our S&D talks on the future of Europe are back! This time we will discuss in Italian how to build European citizenship and strengthen democracy in Europe. With us will be Brando Benifei, S&D MEP and member of the plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and Elisa Gambardella, representative of Solidar and also a member of the plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Join us for the debate Wednesday, December 8th at 12:00!

The event will be livestreamed @ www.facebook.com/Progressives4Europe in Italian with no interpretation.


Tornano i nostri S&D talks sul futuro dell’Europa! Questa volta discuteremo in italiano come costruire una citttadinanza europea e rinforzare la democrazia in Europa. Saranno con noi Brando Benifei, eurodeputato e membro della plenaria della Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa ed Elisa Gambardella, Solidar.

Unitevi al dibattito mercoledì 8 dicembre alle 12!

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