S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights And What's Coming Up

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Quote of the week by Iratxe García Pérez:

“Keeping Romania and Bulgaria waiting at the door for 11 years without any objective reason is a blemish on the image of the European Union. Both countries meet all requirements to join Schengen. I call for a debate on the issue, in the European Parliament, this October.”


On Tuesday, 27 September, at 18:15 CET, our Group will hold an exchange of views with Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO. The address will be streamed live on our site and Twitter. All media inquiries can be sent to the Group’s spokesperson.


On Monday, 26 September, our members of the committee on economic and monetary affairs will exchange views with the European Central Bank’s president, Christine Lagarde and commissioner for economy, Paolo Gentiloni. The exploding costs of living are expected to dominate the debates.

Also on Monday, our vice-president for foreign affairs, Pedro Marques, will present our candidate for the 2022 Sakharov prize for freedom of thought to the European Parliament’s committees on foreign affairs, development, and human rights. Together with Renew Europe, we nominate the people of Ukraine, represented, among others, by the State Emergency Services (SES) of Ukraine, Yulia Pajevska, Oleksandra Matviychuk, the Yellow Ribbon Civil Resistance Movement, and Ivan Fedorov.

We are looking forward to two pieces of legislation that are due to come out after the College of Commissioners’ meeting on Wednesday, 28 September - a proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive and the revision of Product Liability Directive. EU safety rules for products are an utmost priority for our Group and must be fit for the fast-changing reality around us.
As workers’ rights and safety have always been our priority, we will follow with great interest the presentation of the European Commission’s recommendation on a minimum income and a proposal to revise the legislation on the protection against asbestos at the workplace. They are also expected on Wednesday.

As October will be a busy plenary month, we are already preparing the first session that will take place in Strasbourg between 3 and 6 October.

And don’t forget to stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and TikTok!

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