S&D JURI Workshop "People, Planet and Profit – Debating the Future of Due Diligence" on 12 October 2022

S&D JURI Workshop

S&D JURI Workshop "People, Planet and Profit – Debating the Future of Due Diligence"

14.00 - 14.30 – Due Diligence – The Road Ahead

Opening remarks from

Ibán García del Blanco, S&D JURI Coordinator
Lara Wolters, S&D MEP, Rapporteur

14.30- 15.15 - Conversation 1 - Ensuring impact and feasibility  

Emily Norton - Centre for Responsible Business Conduct, OECD
Phil Bloomer - Executive Director, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Pedro Oliveira - Director, Business Europe

(Q&A session introduced by S&D MEP Tiemo Wölken)

15.15 – 16.00 - Conversation 2 - From multinationals to SME’s – company scope and risk-based due diligence 

Luc Hendrickx - SMEUnited
Yuri Herder - Business & Human Rights Advisor, ABN AMRO
Julia Symon - Head of Research and Advocacy, Finance Watch
Gaelle Dusepulchre - Deputy Director, globalisation desk, FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights

(Q&A session introduced by S&D MEP René Repasi)

16.00 -16.45 – Conversation 3 – Stakeholder involvement – burden or asset?

Christopher Patz - ECCJ
Isabelle Schömann – Confederal Secretary, ETUC
Rob Lederer - CEO of the Responsible Business Alliance

(Q&A session introduced by S&D MEP Raphaël Glucksmann)

16.45 - 17.00 Concluding remarks by Lara Wolters, S&D MEP, Rapporteur   

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