#EuropeTogether city festival - What if sustainable cities can save Europe?

#EuropeTogether city festival  - What if sustainable cities can save Europe?

Please join the debate and register here



17.00-18.00 – Registration at Horta venue & refreshments

18.00-18.10 – Opening with “TOGETHER” video presentation and introduction by the moderator Francesca Vanthielen

18.10-18.20 – Welcome speeches

Gianni Pittella, S&D Group President

Kathleen Van Brempt, S&D Group Vice-Presdient

18.20-18.35 – Keynote speech by Eric Corijn, Professor of Social and cultural geography, Free University of Brussels, Director of COSMOPOLIS City, Culture & Society research group on “Can Cities save Europe: Urbanity as a post-national challenge”

18.35-19.10 – I. Panel debate: How to increase involvement of cities in decision-making processes in the EU

·         Eric Corijn, Professor of Social and cultural geography, Free University of Brussels, Director of COSMOPOLIS City, Culture & Society research

·         Agnes Jongerius, MEP, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

·         Michaela Kauer, Director, Vienna House,Brussels Liaison Office of the City of Vienna

·         Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent, President of Eurocities group

Followed by questions & answers session from the audience and via Twitter

19.10-19.25 – Keynote speech by Prof. Jan Rotmans, Professor of Transitions and Transition Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam on “Port Transitions”

19.25-19.55 – II. Panel debate: Ports as vectors for an efficient and ambitious European green economy

·         Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam

·         Eva Pérez García, Director of Transport Economics, Fundación Valenciaport

·         Prof. Jan Rotmans, Professor of Transitions and Transition Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Followed by questions & answers session from the audience and via Twitter

19:55-20:05 – Presentation of the “TOGETHER” Ambassadors

20:05-20:15 – Presentation of the Statement by Vice-President Kathleen Van Brempt and its adoption

European Anthem

20:15 – Walking dinner

Eurodéputés impliqués