Los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas del S&D han propuesto hoy que se cree un nuevo fondo de 400.000 millones de euros como parte de un plan de inversión para impulsar...
At a public conference S&D members yesterday called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer organisations the chance...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas del Parlamento Europeo han organizado hoy en Bruselas una conferencia sobre “La cultura como instrumento social y económico dinámico”. La...
At a public TTIP conference on Tuesday 18 November 2014, S&D members called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han recibido con agrado el compromiso de la comisaria Cecilia Malmström de mejorar la transparencia y hacer públicos los documentos de...
El Grupo S&D del Parlamento Europeo ha mantenido un intercambio de opiniones urgente tras el ataque terrorista y ha emitido hoy (miércoles, 19 de diciembre) el siguiente...
The S&D Group organised on November 6th, a public debate in Naples to discuss immigration and asylum with a view to the tragedies that have recently unfolded in the...
S&D Conference on "Culture as a Dynamic Social and Economic tool." You are kindly invited to register your presence by 14th November 2014 to s-d.cultureconf@europarl...
Which welfare for Europe? Can we still meet the EU2020 social objectives? You are kindly invited to complete the reservation form at http://sdconf.socblog.eu...
At a public conference S&D members yesterday called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer organisations the chance...