From her hometown of Laguna de Duero to the forefront of European politics, Iratxe’s journey has been marked by a deep passion for people and their struggles. In the...
Listen to S&D vice-president Alex Saliba explain the process of the Commissioners-designate hearings... in 60 seconds or less!
En la antesala del Consejo Europeo que da comienzo hoy en Bruselas, la presidenta de los Socialistas y Demócratas en el Parlamento Europeo, Iratxe García, se ha reunido...
Esta tarde, la presidenta del S&D, Iratxe García, abrirá la conferencia de alto nivel sobre “la paz en Oriente Próximo y la solución de dos Estados”, organizada por el...
S&D conference: Peace in the Middle East and the Two-State Solution. Watch live on: Interpretation: EN, FR, ES, IT Please register to attend...
Just do it, be yourself! Our Luxembourgish member Marc Angel shared his personal experience with coming out. Thank you, Marc. #ComingOutDay
It’s important to come out, it’s important to do it at least once. Do it for yourself. Our Italian member Alessandro Zan shared his personal experience with coming out...
No one is forcing you to come out, to tell everyone who you are. But when you do, it will bring you relief and peace. Our Polish member Krzysztof Śmiszek shared his...