AFRICA WEEK 2018 What a week! Dozens of events, hundreds of speakers and many many more participants, both in the room and online. Thank you for being there with us...
Los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas del Grupo S&D están muy preocupados por los intentos de la Presidencia austriaca y de otros líderes y lideresas del PPE de bloquear...
Tue 13 Debate on the future of Europe with Chancellor Merkel Udo BULLMANN Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75342 “Europe now needs determination...
AFRICA WEEK - Video Diary Day 4 To close this new successful edition of Africa Week, we met at a boxing club in Ixelles, Brussels. We discussed about serious issues such...
AFRICA WEEK - Video Diary Day 3 On this third day, a very sensitive topic was addressed: Migration. Check out our proposals!
Bullmann and Timmermans on kick off our EU election | #EP2019 . We're ready for #EP2019 with Frans Timmermans as our Spitzenkandidat!
Después de que Frans Timmermans recibiera el apoyo como Candidato Común del PSE (Partido Socialista Europeo) de su compañero en el Colegio de Comisarios, Maroš Šefčovič...
Después de las elecciones de mitad de periodo al Congreso estadounidense, en las que los demócratas han recuperado el control de la Cámara de Representantes, el...
S&D Group conference: Right-wing populist discourses, attitudes and vote in a changing EU. Introduction by the chair of the S&D working group on Extremism : Tanja Fajon...
AFRICA WEEK - Video Diary Day 2 This was a special day of commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela, an iconic leading African politician.