La durabilité doit être l’approche pour les gens et par les gens. Ensemble, nous construirons une Europe progressiste et durable, pièce par pièce, du bas vers le haut. Notre mission consiste à réunir autour de ce but commun villes et régions, syndicats et entreprises, ONG et monde scientifique – mais surtout vous, les citoyens d’Europe. Luttons ensemble pour une société plus juste et plus enthousiasmante. Pour une planète saine qui offre des perspectives à tous. Pour des politiques qui donnent la priorité au bien-être des gens. Pour une société progressiste !

The GPF was created in 2003 with the goal of connecting progressive forces from around the world and developing a global progressive agenda. We are active in all the continents, promoting worldwide campaigns and commitments to action. Our priorities are democracy and human rights, social justice, sustainable growth and social progress.

The School of Democracy is an S&D Group yearly initiative where 100 young people from across Europe and abroad are invited to debate on the key political issues and challenges of our times. Over three days of passionate discussions with MEPs, academics, policy-makers and renowned journalists, young people are given a unique opportunity to express their views, concerns and hopes. Over the years, the School of Democracy has built a vivid community of young people committed to a better and progressive vision of Europe and the world.