Labour MEPs: May's authority in question after latest talks failure

EU leaders have been left wondering if Theresa May has the authority to negotiate for the UK, Labour MEPs warned following the prime minister’s failure to get agreement to progress Brexit talks onto the next phase.


Richard Corbett MEP, Labour’s leader in the European Parliament, said:


“This was billed as the prime minister riding in to rescue the talks, but instead her political weakness at home has blocked progress. After today’s failed diplomacy, confusion and delusion, EU leaders will doubtless begin to question Theresa May's authority when it comes to future negotiations.


“We are now eighteen months on from the referendum, and it’s been nine months since the triggering of Article 50 - yet we are still in the first phase of negotiations, discussing issues that should have been wrapped up months ago. Never mind crossing the finish line of the talks, she can’t even get off the starting block.”