Labour MEPs: VW taking customers for a ride by STILL refusing to compensate for Dieselgate fiasco

Labour MEPs will push for stronger rights for car consumers after Volkswagen once again refused to pay out compensation to EU customers over the Dieselgate vehicle emissions scandal – despite having agreed a $10 billion settlement with drivers in the US.

EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová met with consumer protection authorities today to decide on a “joint enforcement action” against VW, whereby the company could face legal action in national courts for continued breaches of EU law, including the “unfair commercial practices directive” and “sales and guarantees directive”.

Next month, Labour MEP Seb Dance will table an amendment on behalf of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Group to a European Parliament report on the emissions scandal calling for greater consumer rights for affected car buyers. The report recommends EU countries do more to monitor manufacturers and enforce existing measures already in place.

Seb Dance MEP, Labour’s European Parliament spokesperson on the environment and S&D spokesperson on the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurement in the Automotive Sector, said:

“It is plainly unfair that Volkswagen has compensated US customers over the Dieselgate scandal, but not Europeans. Commissioner Jourová is absolutely right to coordinate national agencies to take action over the litany of failures that led to Dieselgate, and to seek redress for EU consumers.

“The UK government must back this action, and maintain EU consumer rights after Brexit, and match any strengthening of those rights.”

Seb Dance MEP added:

“The Socialists and Democrats have led calls for strong EU action over the Dieselgate scandal, and we urge all MEPs to back our proposals for greater consumer rights when the European Parliament votes on the emissions report in April.”