S&D president Iratxe García Pérez ahead of the European Council

iratxe garcia march 2022

We must free ourselves from energy dependency on Russia and manage the price crisis”, says Iratxe García head of EUCO.

“We face three colossal challenges: free ourselves from energy dependency on Russia, speed up the energy transition as much as possible, and manage the price crisis.

“The sanctions we have already adopted were up to the moment, but we must do more: cut off Russia’s access to cryptocurrency exchanges, go after the banks, law firms and tax havens that protect sanctioned oligarchs, expand the isolation of Russian banks and energy giants, and reduce our dependency on gas, oil and coal.

“We must diversify the sources of gas origin and increase interconnections. The creation of strategic reserves and joint purchases would also increase our energy resilience. And, if we really want to make our strategic autonomy a reality, we must accelerate the rate of installation of renewables by simplifying administrative procedures and activating energy saving and efficiency measures.

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